Sermon Notes 8/14 – Shake It Off
SHAKE IT OFF ACTS 28:1-6 ***Trials and hardships will affect everyone ***Between Acts 21 & 28 – Paul went through a series of trials and difficulties, but he shook off being consumed […]
SHAKE IT OFF ACTS 28:1-6 ***Trials and hardships will affect everyone ***Between Acts 21 & 28 – Paul went through a series of trials and difficulties, but he shook off being consumed […]
Genesis 1:1-2 verse 1 – In the beginning God ***God is Elohim and plural – refers to the Trinity ***The trinity is one God who can manifest Himself as Father, Son & Holy Spirit – all coequal […]
PEACE James 1:1-8/2 Chronicles 20:1-4,17 James 1:2 – fall refers to being encircled & surrounded by difficulties & trials 2 Chronicles 20:1-4, 17 – King Jehosophat & Judah were surrounded by enemies ***We are surrounded by pressure, stress, uncertainty and instability today […]
ORDER v13 — this is the spiritual and not a person’s private prayer language -an interpretation of tongues must accompany public tongues v14 – our spirit man prays in tongues — our mind does no understand when we pray in tongues v15 – understanding – this is the mind – spirit – is praying in […]
Luke 17:11-14 Jesus is a HEALER and He desires that all are healed He answered “Go and show yourself to the priest” The Priest was the physician of the day! I have seen people heal instantly… But I have seen more people healed progressively through acts of faith and obedience. Jesus Desires that we are […]
Intro Luke 11:14-23 14 And He was casting out a demon, and it was mute. So it was, when the demon had gone out, that the mute spoke; and the multitudes marveled. 15 But some of them said, “He casts out demons by [a]Beelzebub, the ruler of the demons.” 16 Others, testing Him, sought from […]
Genesis 18 I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you. John 15:15 Genesis 18:22-32 A friend is someone you communicate with. John 16:5-15 Strongs Definition of SPEAK: to guide, […]
After the ascension of Jesus Christ The Holy Spirit descended. Jesus went up the Holy Spirit came down Acts 2:1-4 When the DAY OF PENTECOST had FULLY COME, they were all with ONE ACCORD in one place. And SUDDENLY there came a sound FROM HEAVEN, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the […]
CONSIDER IT ALL JOY JAMES 1:1-8 2 CHRONICLES 20:1-20 2 Chronicles 20:1-4, 17 – Jerusalem and King […]
The Holy Spirit First Corinthians 14 verse 12 – ZEAL Zeal – means to have an enthusiastic devotion for…a fervent desire for…a red hot fire and passion for the Lord…a want to rises up within the believer Zeal is […]
COUNT IT ALL JOY James 1:1-8 James 1:1-8 is about trials and hardships ***every believer will encounter difficult times and times of pressure ***we are surrounded by trials in these last days – […]
The Holy Spirit First Corinthians 14 verse 4 – Tongues & Prophecy ***Tongues edifies the believer – builds them up ***Prophecy – edifies the church because it is in a persons native language verse 5 – The […]