Get To Your Promise Land

Three ways to get to our Promised land

Joshua 1: 1-3

Joshua 1:6-9

  1. Throw off the dead weight to get to your promised Land

Psalms 27:13

Luke 9:23

  • Jesus is more concerned about what He does in you than what He does through you

  • The enemy know he cant bring us to Hell But he can lie to you and if you believe those lies you can live like  HELL on earth

Galatians 5:16-17

The desire to do good isn’t enough

We must wage war against the flesh

How to wage war:

  • Wage war by Abiding in  Jesus

  • Wage War by Understand true strength is found in weakness

2 Corinthians 12:10

  • Wage War by Submit to the Unction of the Holy Spirit

  • Wage War by Doing what you dont like to do first

2. You have to do the Word to get to the Promised Land

Joshua 1:7-9

The Word has No power UNLESS you do what it says… It REAL it’s alive and it requires ACTION!

Proverbs 3:5-6

When we chose NOT to do the will of God it affects NOT only our lives but the LIVes of those around us!

  1. It takes Encouragement to get to your Promised Land

Deuteronomy 31 :7-8

Joshua 2:16-18

Encouragement gives us the courage to walk into our future assignments that God has for us

The best encourager you will ever have is Jesus

Proverbs 12:18