Acts 12 – 13
Fervent Prayer The early church was a church of prayer….. -Isaiah 56:7 – OT -Matthew 21:13 – NT 1. FERVENT PRAYER RELEASES THE SUPERNATURAL – vs7-11 -Angels are released by the Lord to do His work and will […]
Fervent Prayer The early church was a church of prayer….. -Isaiah 56:7 – OT -Matthew 21:13 – NT 1. FERVENT PRAYER RELEASES THE SUPERNATURAL – vs7-11 -Angels are released by the Lord to do His work and will […]
How to Live in Victory in Uncertain Times -Uncertainty surrounds us today -it was present during the times of Paul and exists today -Paul uses several word to reveal the uncertainty of the culture ***Phil 3:10…2:15,17…4:14…1:13,28 -today we are living in uncertain times as we are living in the last days and the return […]
Fervent Prayer – Acts 12:1-5 -the early church were people of prayer -the church is called a house of prayer – Isaiah 56:7 & Matt 21:13 -the church refers to individuals who all knew how to pray -the enemy comes against people and churches that pray – mistreat or harass – means to do evil […]
HOW TO LIVE IN VICTORY IN AN UNCERTAIN WORLD ***Philippians 1:13b, 1:28, 2:15,17, 4:14 (1.) WE MUST EXPERIENCE A REST REVOLUTION = Philippians 1:9-11 -this is a spiritual rest in Jesus Christ -we never have to forfeit our peace no matter what happens a.) REST IS IN A PERSON […]
verse1 – this is the first political attack on the early church -the culture and political officials were against Christianity mistreat -and harass – this speaks of oppression…torment…do evil against v2 – James the apostle is murdered v3 – Peter is arrested for the 3rd time -do not allow a delay in receiving your breakthrough […]
HOW TO LIVE IN VICTORY IN UNCERTAIN TIMES ***There is a ton of UNCERTAINTY all around us today……. ***Paul lived during a time of uncertainty (1.) REALIZE THERE IS ONLY CERTAINTY IN JESUS AND HIS WORD – Phil 1:6,25 confidence – means to be convinced; strong; sure and stable; fearless; secure ***STAND FIRM – Phil […]
Cornelius, Peter & The Gentiles Acts 10 v1 – Cornelius was a gentile, a commander of 100 soldiers and saved v2 – Cornelius would not become Jewish or a Jewish citizen vs3-8 – Cornelius wants Peter brought to him vs9-16 – Peter has a vision -it is about accepting the gentiles to be a part […]
Philippians 1:27-30 v27 – STAND FAST – means to hold your ground/continue to be firm -it is a military term and holding ones ground and moving forward (1.) STAND FAST IN GOOD CONDUCT – v27 Only – means just one thing -this is an admonition of someone holding up their finger -we need to live […]
Chapter 9 vs23-31 – RADICAL CHANGE BRINGS RADICAL OPPOSITION -opposition makes the church stronger because it separates the nominal from the strong believers vs32-35 – AENEAS v32 – Peter went on a preaching tour We can learn some points from the scriptures on AENEAS……. 1. THE REASON FOR MIRACLES & SIGNS AND WONDERS IS TO […]
THE SECOND COMING OF JESUS CHRIST VS19-20 – “Earnest or eager expectation and hope” – this means to stretch out your head to see something in the distance *Paul saw the second coming of Jesus in the distance *Paul refers to the return of Jesus in Philippians: Phil 1:6 – “The day of Jesus Christ” […]
Acts 9 is about the conversion of Paul. All Paul knew was that Jesus touched him and transformed his life. Another example is the blind man in John 9……. Acts 9:17-19 – Paul is filled with the Holy Spirit -Paul now goes to the backside of the desert for 3 years to be taught by […]
The Return of the Lord ***Paul referred to the return of the Lord in Philippians -Phil 1:6 – the day of Jesus Christ -Phil 1:10 – the day of Christ -Phil 3:20 – eagerly wait for the Savior -Phil 1:19-20 – v20 “Earnest or Eager Expectation and Hope” -this means: It […]