Tag: Mark

Sermon Notes 4/18 – Mark 2

MARK                                      Chapter Two verse 4 – when they had broken through                     Breakthrough means:        to smash and obstacle to make progress        to […]

April 18, 2024

Sermon Notes 4/11 – Mark 2:1-12

Mark gives 5 principles for the body of Christ to practice to produce a breakthrough in our nation……. 1. Jesus and His presence must be in the house – v1 2. The Word of God – v2 3. Evangelism -v3 Breakthrough – means to smash an obstacle/to penetrate the enemies territory Who will give us […]

April 11, 2024

Sermon Notes 4/4 – Mark

MARK 2:1-12 Mark 12 refers to the body of Christ today in America                 -the church is paralyzed by a spirit of lukewarmness                 -the church must practice 5 principles given by Mark to see renewal Breakthrough – Mark 2:3 – […]

April 4, 2024

Sermon Notes 3/28 – It’s Time for a Breakthrough

Breakthrough – Mark 2:3 -to smash an obstacle to make progress -to penetrate the enemies territory -to remove anything that restricts flow Principle #1 – We need Jesus & His presence in the house Principle #2 – We need the Word of God Principle #3 – We need evangelism verse 3 – 4 Men – 4 […]

March 28, 2024

Sermon Notes 3/21 – Mark 2 – It’s Time for a Breakthrough

MARK 2                            It’s Time For A Breakthrough Breakthrough – it speaks of progress, momentum, warfare and winning…tearing down walls……advancing and overcoming the enemy Mark 2:1-2 – refers to a paralytic who is saved and healed          ***Mark 2 – […]

March 21, 2024

Sermon Notes 3/14 – Mark 2 – It’s Time for a Breakthrough

  Mark 2:1-12 v4 – when they broke through -It means to tear down and penetrate walls -It speaks of making progress and momentum We need a breakthrough now – 1 Chronicles 12:32 Mark 2 gives 5 Principles about the body of Christ needing a breakthrough so our nation can have a breakthrough PRINCIPLE #1 – […]

March 14, 2024

Sermon Notes 3/7 – Mark

Mark 1:33-45 vs33-34 – a steady stream of people came to hear about Jesus v35 – Two points to note:                     1. Jesus developed a habit                     2. We have to develop a secret place – to isolate with […]

March 7, 2024

Sermon Notes 2/29 – Mark One

vs17-20 – Jesus calls several men to ministry – a Full Time calling -immediately – is the key word in Mark -they left everything to follow Jesus vs21-28 – Jesus casts out an unclean spirit -when you are called, you are attacked by demons ***THE ENEMY WILL NOT ALLOW YOU TO BE ABSORBED INTO GOD’S […]

February 29, 2024

Sermon Notes 2/22 – Mark

vs 16- 19 – a call to FT ministry v17 – follow Me – to be on the same road as Jesus is -it is an invitation -only follow Jesus and not any human being or minister I will make you – means to develop/speaks of growth and discipleship ***the Lord will complete the work […]

February 22, 2024

Sermon Notes 2/15 – Mark

verse 14 – Galilee – means circle – a circle of cities – -Israel was divided into 3 areas – Galilee, Samaria and Judea -preaching a herald proclaiming the gospel – a public crier -believers will go through tough times – nothing is wrong verse 15 – the time is fulfilled – time – kairos time – a […]

February 15, 2024

Sermon Notes 1/25 – Mark

***The gospel was going to be revealed through the ministry of John the Baptist -gospel – means good news verse 2 – behold – speaks of getting someones attention -John was a messenger -the church are the messengers today -the church is to preach the gospel -the gospel is found in 1 Corinthians 15:1-5 I SEND – […]

January 25, 2024

Sermon Notes 1/18 – Mark Chapter One

Gospel – means good news verse 2 – as it is written in the prophets – Isaiah 40:3-5 -700 years before Jesus arrived -John the Baptist arrives on the scene -400 years of silence between Malachi & Matthew -there has to be training to be a servant – the theme of Mark is servanthood – […]

January 18, 2024
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