Category: Sermons

The Word

The Word 1.     The Deity of Jesus Christ a.     John 1:1 In the beginning was the WORD and the WORD was with God and the WORD was God.  He was in the beginning with God b.     Logos = think first then speak inward thought becoming outward expression c.      Jesus was with God in eternity then […]

July 19, 2015

“A Call to the Nation” part II

Joel 2 v1 – blow the trumpets and sound an alarm -this is a warning from the Lord to get back to Him and that He is coming back soon -it will happen just as the sun rises and sets -we know something is up because of the signs upon planet earth -these warnings from […]

July 12, 2015

“Understanding the Times” Part III

1 Chronicles 12:32 -the Lord is looking for some sons and daughters of Issachar in 2015 understood – means to have insight and act with prudence and wisdom.  This is a skillful analysis of what is going on……. -we are living in unstable times just like the days of Noah – corruption & violence in […]

July 9, 2015

“A Call to the Nation” part I

Joel Chapter 2 v1 – this is spoken to the priests – the leaders of the nation -this message comes from the Lord – Holy Mountain and Zion refers to Jerusalem where the Temple was located—the place where God dwelt among the Jewish people… -this is a warning from the Lord -I am coming – […]

July 5, 2015

“Understanding the Times” Part I

1 Chronicles 12:32 understood – means to have insight and act with prudence and wisdom.  This is skillful analysis of what is going on… -BACKGROUND: The King of Israel, Saul, has just died and the 12 tribes of Israel must replace him with a new King.  The sons of Issachar know what is best for […]

June 25, 2015

“Understanding the Times” Part II

1 Chronicles 12:32 understood – means to have insight and act with prudence and wisdom -this is a skillful analysis of what is going on -Saul, King of Israel, is dead -the tribe of Benjamin had their own thoughts about who should be King -the sons of Issachar wanted David to be King and took […]

July 2, 2015

“Ultimate Freedom is Spiritual Freedom”

Ultimate Freedom is spiritual freedom…….To be free….. (1) YOU HAVE TO WANT TO BE FREE – Luke 9:23 -we have to want to be from our issues -not everyone desires to be free -don’t allow something difficult in your life to occur to drive you to be free -this freedom must include Jesus Christ -3 […]

June 28, 2015

“The Holy Spirit Speaks”

The Holy Spirit Speaks 2 Samuel 23:2 & Matthew 17:5 1. THE HOLY SPIRIT TALKS TODAY – Dt 5:24 -we must listen because of all of the voices in our society -the voice of the Spirit rises above all other voices -to hear the voice of the Spirit we must be quiet – Psalm 46:10 […]

June 18, 2015

“The Paralytic”

The Paralytic Mark 2:1-12  Jesus – Jesus is the Healer – no one else can heal thats why the 4 men brought the man to Jesus these men rip open the roof The Lord wants people healed and saved The Lord is God – v7- God alone can forgive What brought about this man’s healing? […]

June 14, 2015

“The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament” Part II

The Holy Spirit in the OT 1. The Holy Spirit’s Favorite Word –  Leviticus 11:44-45 -HOLY……. -He is the Holy Spirit -1 Peter 1:14-16 – the theme of holiness is throughout the Bible Holy ——- Sanctify ——- Saint – all come from the same Greek word speaking of being separate/set apart holiness – means to […]

June 11, 2015

“Two Questions” James 5:13-20

James 5:13-20 2 QUESTIONS: (1) IS ANYONE AMONG YOU SUFFERING? suffering – means to endure hardship, persecution or trouble…difficult circumstances a. suffering will be a part of our lives b. Paul is an example – 2 Cor 11:23-28 c. it is continual ion the original language What do we as believers do when we are […]

June 7, 2015

“The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament”

The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament (1) THE HOLY SPIRIT REST IN THE OLD TESTAMENT  – Numbers 11:26 -in the OT, the Holy Spirit only rested upon people Ex:  King David…….Samson -in the NT, the Holy Spirit dwells within people -Romans 8:9-11……..1 Corinthians 6:19-20……….John 14:16-18 (2) THE HOLY SPIRIT IS ORGANIZED – Exodus 3:7-10 […]

June 4, 2015