Category: CCWC Blog

Jesus and The High Cost of His Love

The undying love of Jesus, paradoxically sent Him to an untimely death by crucifixion on the cross of Golgotha. He counted not the cost of this extravagant love for humankind. In complete obedience to the Father at all times He waited to receive every word from Him. Every parable, every miracle, every decision Jesus made […]

March 1, 2017

What’s your Ministry?

If I were to ask, what ministry are you involved in, how would you respond? Children’s Ministry. Outreach Ministry. Service Ministry. We automatically answer the question in terms of the department or group of persons that we serve. Those are all good and important things because we are all called to serve. But allow me […]

February 5, 2017

Living Water Project

In Kenya, Africa over 20 million people do not have clean water to drink from. Women and children walk over 6 miles a day, often several times a day, to fetch water from the closest river banks. Diseases, parasites, and sickness causing bacteria has always been a huge health problem in Kenya. The rate of […]

January 16, 2017

A Musical Christmas

From as early back as I can remember, Christmas has always been my favorite time of year. My parents always went above and beyond to make it special for my brother and me, and as a family, we have many special traditions and wonderful memories that we share. One of our many traditions includes coming […]

November 19, 2016

A Movement With A Mission

The DNA of Calvary Chapel Worship Center is to be a movement with a mission to fulfill the Great Commission. This past year was another success in making an impact for Christ Jesus here in our community, this nation, and different areas around the world. To name a few things, our World Team built earth homes […]

September 15, 2016

Communion & Cans Sunday

A special thank you to Thrivent Financial group for partnering with us this past Communion & Cans Sunday. They put together a Thriven Action to be the hands and feet of Jesus with our Helping Hands Ministry. They donated $250.00 and went shopping for canned goods to give to our pantry. Helping Hands serves over […]

August 4, 2016


I do not like to wait, but waiting is a part of Christianity.  I found out a long time ago that the Lord is into marinating and not microwaving…  What does that mean?  It means that not everything comes to us quickly from the Lord.  Most of Christianity is waiting on the Lord for answers, […]

July 9, 2015

“Down the Road”

I was driving down the road one day and saw a new housing development going in. The word expansion entered into my mind and I knew it was more that just my thoughts, but a Word from the Lord for me and the body of Christ. The Lord then spoke into my heart and said, “Expand […]

June 17, 2015

“With God all things are possible”

With God All Things Are Possible I woke up this morning and the words “with God all things are possible” filled my heart and my mind.  What great words to wake up to – words of hope, peace, joy and words of strength.  It sure is good to know that no matter what we are […]

July 2, 2015

“Its Time to Understand”

I want to be one of the sons of Issachar.  What does that mean?  Issachar was a tribe or group of Israelites that had 200 leaders along with their relatives as found in First Chronicles 12:32.  They understood the times they were living in and knew what the nation of Israel needed to do.  Let’s […]

June 14, 2015

Ecuador Trip 2015

The time I was able to serve in Ecuador truly was a Gift from Jesus. Although it was only two weeks which, is a blink of an eye when you are out there. I was able to partake in the building and dedication of a church in a remote place in the jungle that can […]

August 19, 2015

“Comfort one another with these words”

“Comfort one another with these words.”   Pastor Bill Strayer    In context, this phrase is connected with the second coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. These words brought much hope to my heart.  We are definitely living in times of instability, tension, high pressure and stress.  We all see events taking place in […]

June 11, 2015
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