What’s your Ministry?

If I were to ask, what ministry are you involved in, how would you respond? Children’s Ministry. Outreach Ministry. Service Ministry. We automatically answer the question in terms of the department or group of persons that we serve. Those are all good and important things because we are all called to serve.
But allow me be bold and state that if you are a husband or wife, you should be in marriage ministry. By “marriage ministry” I do not mean you serve in a position within the Couples Ministry, but that you serve the person to whom you are married.
So perhaps a better way to phrase the statement would be, “If you are a husband or wife, your marriage is your ministry.”
As Christ followers, if we truly believe that the Lord was witness to the covenant between you and the wife of your youth, and “what God has joined together, let no one separate”, we must acknowledge our spouse is the most important person on planet Earth.
My heart is heavy when I read of pastors, leaders and laypeople who end up divorced because they were called to “ministry”, and yet failed to properly steward the ministry of marriage the Lord entrusted to them. A person can win thousands to the Lord, but if it comes at the expense of their marriage, were they really “successful”?
So if you are married, I want to encourage you to take inventory of your ministry. Love your spouse well. Serve them well. Invest time in them. You will be amazed at how the Lord blesses everything else He has called you to do, when you make your marriage ministry a priority.
~ Pastor Dave Avery
Here at CCWC we believe that ministry first starts in your marriage. We have a Couples Ministry that meets every Sunday during second service in the Welcome Fellowship Room upstairs.
We also have a very exciting Valentines Weekend Experience Marriage Conference coming up that you can bring your spouse to.
For more information on this event and how to purchase your tickets follow the link to Eventbrite.