Author: Tony Salerno


1. There is a spiritual WAR  being waged for the soul of the US a.1963, Madalyn Murray O’Hair won a lawsuit against the Baltimore School System, which voted in her favor 8-1 to ban school prayer and label it “unconstitutional” b. In 1973 Roe VS Wade the supreme court decided that restricting abortion is unconstitutional […]

May 26, 2019

Don’t Be A Blessing Chaser

Exodus 33:9-11 Vs #”the Lord talked with Moses”   Vs # the Lord spoke to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his friend.  Moses was a friend of God, We are Friends with God, He speaks to His Friends John 15:14-15 If we follow Him, we will be His friend and He will reveal things to us. Exodus […]

May 23, 2019

 1 Peter 3:1-7

(v7 – things we need to understand) (1.) WE MUST UNDERSTAND THAT WE HAVE TO FIGHT – 2 Timothy 4:7 -Don’t Lose Your Fight….. -we must fight and it is a good fight.                 a. it is a good fight because God fights for us       […]

May 19, 2019


-Israel was away from the Lord and the Lord sent a prophet to tell Israel to get back to Him. -Joel told Judah – the Southern Kingdom – to CRY OUT TO THE LORD…Joel 1:14,19 ***Definition of Crying Out – to shout…to make a loud humming noise…to roar like a lion…a ringing or shrill sound…to […]

May 16, 2019

Staying in your own lane and keeping your eyes on Jesus!

STAY IN YOUR OWN LANE Luke 10:38-42 As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him. 39 She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet listening to what he said. 40 But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. […]

May 12, 2019

Today is a day of REFIRE!

Genesis 24:16-21 3 qualities that are revealed from a strong prayer life Quality #1– Selflessness Rebekah didn’t just have a servants talk but she had a servants walk Quality #2– Endurance and Strength The presence of Jesus is reviving Quality #3– The Lord takes care of ALL our situations. Its easier to trust Him. Genesis […]

May 12, 2019


1. HOLD ON TO THE PROMISE- The Lord always keeps His promises~ Number 23:19 What has He spoken to you? ~ 2 Corinthians 1:20 2. TRUST HIM IN THE JOURNEY-    God did not lead them on the road that made the most sense!!!! ~  Exodus 13:17-18 HE TOOK THEM THE LONG WAY…. *Sometimes He […]

May 12, 2019


Chapter One -Israel had fallen and turned away from the Lord because of prosperity and safety -Israel was warned by the Lord through prophets to turn to Him or face God’s judgment vs1-4 – tell everyone what has happened so they will not make the same mistake -Joel has a cure for Israel to get […]

May 9, 2019

1 Peter 3:1-7

The Family (1) THE DEFINITION OIF MARRIAGE – v1 -the Bible is what we believe in and go by as believers -the Bible gives us the definition of marriage -1 Peter 3:1 – husbands and wives -Genesis 2:21-24 – the Lord defines marriage -Genesis 3:16 & 4:1 – the Lord says to have children – […]

May 5, 2019

Joel – Chapter One

*Joel was written around 835-800 BC *Joel’s name means Jehovah is God ***Israel was in a time of prosperity and safety, but they could not handle the blessings of the Lord……They fell back from the Lord… ***The Lord sends a prophet to Israel to warn them to turn to the Lord and get right with […]

May 2, 2019

 The Ascension of Jesus Christ

Ephesians 4:7-10 ***Before Jesus Ascended, He also Descended 3 Heavens – Genesis 1:1 (heavens) 1. the atmosphere 2. outer space 3. the third heaven – 2 Corinthians 12:2 – where God’s throne is located 3 Compartments of Hell 1. Tartarus – where a group of fallen angels went 2. Paradise – where OT believers went […]

April 28, 2019


1. Joel is the author of the Book 2. Joel’s name means Jehovah is God 3. Joel was written around 835-800BC 4. Not much is known about Joel – He was a prophet to Judah – the Southern Kingdom 5. Joel’s dad was Pethuel BACKGROUND: Judah was in a time of prosperity and Safety, but […]

April 25, 2019