Category: Sermons

Marah to Elim Exodus 15:23

Introduction Israel had just witnessed great miracles 10 plagues upon Egypt Israel was led by Moses out of Egypt Israel had just passed through the Red Sea The Song of Miriam 15:20 The next two stops in Israel’s 40-year journey to the promised land were Mara and Elim.  Mara was a place where they found […]

November 18, 2018

Mark 9

Mark 9:2,9 – we all will have mountaintop experiences, but we must also come down                       —we come down to help people            vs14-29 – A BOY IS SAVED, HEALED AND DELIVERED v14 – Jesus came upon disciples…….Discipleship is a choice… […]

November 15, 2018

The Church @ Antioch / Acts 11:19-26

The Church @ Antioch Acts 11:19-26 Antioch is a church pattern or model to follow for the 21st-century church. The church at Jerusalem started off okay but turned away from having the heart of God and is not mentioned again after Acts chapter 11. The Lord raises up the Church @ Antioch…           […]

November 11, 2018


Mark Chapter 9 THE TRANSFIGURATION OF JESUS CHRIST TRANSFIGURED – means your insides come to the outside                               -means an outward expression of one’s inner character The transfiguration of Jesus of Jesus Christ can teach us many things: 1. That Jesus […]

November 8, 2018


THE CHURCH AT ANTIOCH Acts 11:19-26 ***The first ten chapters of Acts refers to the church @ Jerusalem.  It was a good church, but missed the heart of God which is the Great Commission ***The Lord raised up the church @ Antioch who had the heart of God ***The church @ Jerusalem is not mentioned again after chapter […]

November 4, 2018

Mark 9:1-12

Mark 9:1-12  The Transfiguration of Jesus Christ (1) THE TRANSFIGURATION OF JESUS CHRIST TEACHES US ABOUT THE RETURN OF OUR LORD – vs1-2 -the 3 men refer to Peter, James and John and them seeing Jesus transfigured -the transfiguration of Jesus is a revelation of the future millennial reign of Jesus -Signs of the return […]

November 1, 2018

Prayer – Acts 1:14

Acts                          Prayer – Acts 1:14 Acts – refers to the Acts of the Holy Spirit -Acts happened because of prayer.. 1. PRAYER IS ADDRESSING SOMEONE – Acts 1:14 -this speaks who to pray to – the Father and Jesus -we pray to the […]

October 21, 2018

Mark 8:31-33

Mark 8:31-33 Peter rebukes Jesus for saying He was going to die and leave the disciples.         a. Peter was trying to stop the plan of God from being fulfilled which was the cross Rebuke – means to sternly warn…reprimand…criticize -Jesus rebukes Peter but understands He was fighting against Satan himself -There […]

October 18, 2018

Prayer – ACTS 1:14

Acts PRAYER – ACTS 1:14 -the early and first church started in prayer – Acts 1:14 -Pentecost – means 50 – Acts 2:1…..40 days of ministry by Jesus and 10 days of prayer -Jesus and prayer are the foundation of the church -we must all have one mind when it comes to praying and corporate […]

October 14, 2018

Mark 8:31-33

Mark 8:31-33 Peter rebukes Jesus for saying He was going to die and leave them Rebuke – means to disapprove, criticize, to respond sternly *Peter was trying to stop the plan of God from happening.  Jesus rebukes Peter… Jesus realized that He was not fighting against Peter…It was Satan himself… Points To Note: 1. our […]

October 11, 2018

Acts – The Day Of Pentecost

Acts                                The Day of Pentecost                                   Leviticus 23:15-22 *The Day of Pentecost was a day to acknowledge the Faithfulness of God *The Day of […]

September 30, 2018

Mark 8:31-33

Mark 8:31-33 – Peter rebukes Jesus – means to disapprove…to reprimand – Jesus was fighting against Satan and not Peter -Jesus rebukes Peter – P{eter was trying to stop the plan of the Father  which was for Jesus to go to the cross…                     WAYS TO […]

September 27, 2018