Author: Tony Salerno

“Second Chance”

2nd Chance 8:1 But Jesus went to the mount of olives: The mount of Olives is a significant place for the Lord and Savior Jesus.  He prayed there He delivered the Olivet Discourse there.  The Triumphal entry went straight through there. He was betrayed in the garden of Gethsemane on the Mount of Olives. Zechariah […]

July 30, 2015

“A Wedding in Cana”

A Wedding In Cana The miracle performed at Cana represents the first miracle in the ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Either the bride or the groom were probably relatives of Mary Joseph and Jesus.  Joseph was probably already dead at this point in history.  It is also likely that the reason the wedding party […]

July 26, 2015


Witness John Chapter 4 Introduction: Samaritans 2Kings 17:24 Assyrians conquered the northern kingdom of Israel  The Samaritans are descendants of two groups The remnant of the native Israelites who were not deported at the fall of the northern kingdom of Israel in 722 B. C. Foreign colonists brought in from Babylonia and Media by the […]

July 23, 2015

The Word

The Word 1.     The Deity of Jesus Christ a.     John 1:1 In the beginning was the WORD and the WORD was with God and the WORD was God.  He was in the beginning with God b.     Logos = think first then speak inward thought becoming outward expression c.      Jesus was with God in eternity then […]

July 19, 2015

“A Call to the Nation” part II

Joel 2 v1 – blow the trumpets and sound an alarm -this is a warning from the Lord to get back to Him and that He is coming back soon -it will happen just as the sun rises and sets -we know something is up because of the signs upon planet earth -these warnings from […]

July 12, 2015

“Understanding the Times” Part III

1 Chronicles 12:32 -the Lord is looking for some sons and daughters of Issachar in 2015 understood – means to have insight and act with prudence and wisdom.  This is a skillful analysis of what is going on……. -we are living in unstable times just like the days of Noah – corruption & violence in […]

July 9, 2015

“A Call to the Nation” part I

Joel Chapter 2 v1 – this is spoken to the priests – the leaders of the nation -this message comes from the Lord – Holy Mountain and Zion refers to Jerusalem where the Temple was located—the place where God dwelt among the Jewish people… -this is a warning from the Lord -I am coming – […]

July 5, 2015

“Understanding the Times” Part I

1 Chronicles 12:32 understood – means to have insight and act with prudence and wisdom.  This is skillful analysis of what is going on… -BACKGROUND: The King of Israel, Saul, has just died and the 12 tribes of Israel must replace him with a new King.  The sons of Issachar know what is best for […]

June 25, 2015

“Understanding the Times” Part II

1 Chronicles 12:32 understood – means to have insight and act with prudence and wisdom -this is a skillful analysis of what is going on -Saul, King of Israel, is dead -the tribe of Benjamin had their own thoughts about who should be King -the sons of Issachar wanted David to be King and took […]

July 2, 2015

“Ultimate Freedom is Spiritual Freedom”

Ultimate Freedom is spiritual freedom…….To be free….. (1) YOU HAVE TO WANT TO BE FREE – Luke 9:23 -we have to want to be from our issues -not everyone desires to be free -don’t allow something difficult in your life to occur to drive you to be free -this freedom must include Jesus Christ -3 […]

June 28, 2015

“The Holy Spirit Speaks”

The Holy Spirit Speaks 2 Samuel 23:2 & Matthew 17:5 1. THE HOLY SPIRIT TALKS TODAY – Dt 5:24 -we must listen because of all of the voices in our society -the voice of the Spirit rises above all other voices -to hear the voice of the Spirit we must be quiet – Psalm 46:10 […]

June 18, 2015

“The Paralytic”

The Paralytic Mark 2:1-12  Jesus – Jesus is the Healer – no one else can heal thats why the 4 men brought the man to Jesus these men rip open the roof The Lord wants people healed and saved The Lord is God – v7- God alone can forgive What brought about this man’s healing? […]

June 14, 2015