Summer Blast 2017

I have sat back and watched the CCWC Children’s ministry hard at work for weeks, like a well-oiled machine, in order to make this year’s Summer Blast better than all the rest. From building and designing new sets, directing new skits, choreographing new dances, and hosting new games. But the thing they amped up more than ever this year was the saturation of prayer and fasting for God to move like never before…….and those prayers are being answered.
There are close to 1000 kids here each day and they come from all walks of life. Many of these kids have felt the presence of God for the very first time. During worship, I saw children as young as 6 years old down on their knees, eyes closed, and tears flowing down their cheeks as they were being ministered to by the Holy Spirit. I heard a story of a young boy with autism, who doesn’t normally speak, said to a leader “I need to be here at this altar, God told me to come here”.
Each day is packed with fun, sugar, games, and loud dancing music…… but above it all we are seeing hundreds of kids give their lives to Jesus, they are being impacted by the gospel- the word of God that is able to transform their hearts. Seeds of eternal value are being sewn into each child and their lives will never be the same.
Each child is enjoying a week of excitement and Summer fun……and they each will be bringing the presence of God back home to their families.
They all have been practicing all week for our special Family Night Service.
Parents you do not want to miss this Thursday night at 7pm!
6825 Trouble Creek Rd.
New Port Richey Fl,
Summer Blast Continues…
Every Sunday & Thursday Night until School starts. You don’t want to miss these services! Bring a friend everything is FREE!!!!
-K-8th grade
-Tons of summer fun!
-Service Times
Sunday- 8:10, 9:45, & 11:25am
Thursday – prayer at 6pm & service at 7pm
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