Mark 8

Mark 8
vs13-16 – Jesus is teaching a spiritual principle about leaven (v15)
-the leaven of the Pharisees and Herod
-this refers to false doctrine and teaching
-be on the alert – warning – Jesus warned us many times about false doctrine
-Matt 24 & 2 Tim 4:1-3
1.Keep the Word of God in context…..Ex: Mark 11:24
2. Study the true – The Word – and not the counterfeit – Eph 4:11-18
vs17-21 – as Jesus is teaching, the disciples are not getting it
-we must understand what Jesus is teaching which means there are somethings we must understand in 2018:
1. The times we are living in – 1 Chronicles 12:32
2. we are in the last days
3. Jesus is visiting earth now and pouring out His Spirit
4. We have one last shot to reach the unreached
How can we reach the unreached?
a. Cry out to the Lord – 2 Cor 4:3-4
b. Be obedient – Matt 28:18-20
c. Enlarge your compassion – Matt 9:35-37
Mark 8:22-26
A Blind Man Is Healed
v22 – Jesus is involved in conflict, but He still keeps on ministering
When conflict comes:
a. keep moving forward
b. keep on grinding
c. keep on fellowshipping
***They brought a blind man to Jesus – bring people to Jesus…Win them to the lord
vs23, 26 – Jesus leads the man out of town & do not go back to that village
-the ministry of Jesus may have been hindered in brining redemption to humanity
-v23 – there are different ways for the Lord to heal people
vs24-25 – There are several stages to receive a healing – Healing can be over a process of time
-the blind man looks up as if still blind – v23
-the blind man could see but not clearly – v24
-the blind man could see perfectly clear – v25
Mark 8:27-30
v27 – Jesus asked – this says that Jesus kept on asking
-we must all know who Jesus is – 1 John 2:18-23 * 1 John 4:1
a. to be saved we must know who Jesus is
b. to be able to go to heaven we must know who Jesus is
c. to be able to stand against false doctrine and opinions we must know who Jesus is
Jesus asked 2 questions:
QUESTION #1 – who do people say that I am? – v27
QUESTION #2 – who do you say that I am
Christ – means the Anointed One
-the word Messiah comes from the word Christ – Jesus is returning