Back 2 School Give- Away: CCWC is reaching out to the community to help make a difference!

Do you want to be a part of a movement with a mission? Calvary Chapel Worship Center is hosting their annual Back to School Give-Away on August 12th, 2018! Our goal is to provide 500 children with a fresh pair of shoes to go back to school with, a free haircut, and so much more! Events like this open up a very simple way for us to make a huge difference in the lives of the children in our community! To accomplish this goal we need to raise $9,000 which is very possible. By partnering with us today you can help make an impact in Pasco County and reach families with the love of Christ. Afterall, that’s why we’re here! So go ahead and click the secure link below, the check out process is very easy. Thanks ahead of time for your generosity!…/ute_0eDFUXzcZScrNYCgs8NCO4fk…