Today is a day of REFIRE!

Genesis 24:16-21
3 qualities that are revealed from a strong prayer life
Quality #1– Selflessness
Rebekah didn’t just have a servants talk but she had a servants walk
Quality #2– Endurance and Strength
The presence of Jesus is reviving
Quality #3– The Lord takes care of ALL our situations. Its easier to trust Him.
Genesis 25:21-24 -The last recorded prayer from Rebekah.
Genesis 27:1-10 -Rebekah knew she had to act fast to fix a situation.
3 signs that our FIRE could be fading
Sign #1 of a fading FIRE- We start to do things in our own strength instead of trusting the Lord
“The measure in which we pray is the measure in which we truly care”
Sign #2 of a fading FIRE- We do not speak LIFE like we use to.
Genesis 27:34-36 -Esau said that Jacob lived up to his name.
The word supplanter in Hebrew means to “Overreach”
Also means to “Deceive”
Jacob lived up to the name he was called his whole life.
Our word can navigate the destiny of our children
We need to speak out the change that we want to see
Genesis 26:8-9- “OBVIOUSLY she is your WIFE”
Sign #3 of a fading FIRE- when we lose the sparks in our relationships.
Grace does NOT flow out of our performance
Grace flows out of God’s unconditional love for us
Grace wins every time
Today is a day of REFIRE