The Encounter

When we Encounter Jesus big decisions can be made
When we Encounter Jesus we are made aware of His LOVE and His faithfulness
When we Encounter JESUS He revives Us
Jesus exposes our need for Him and GO after the purpose for our life.
We Need to Encounter God
Exodus  3:1-14
  1. He is in the ordinary day to day life,  He meets us in the ordinary…
  1. The wilderness… A word that is used in the Bible that defines a dry time, a quiet time, not the Most spiritual time… God SPEAKS!
Jesus is in your Ordinary, He desires to encounter you, to speak to you to Move your heart to ignite something in you so He can move through YOU!!
Exodus 3:2
Hebrews 12:29 – For our God is a Consuming FIRE
How do we Encounter Jesus?….. Through the HOLY SPIRIT who is in US!!!!!
Exodus 3:3-4
  1. Jesus in the Turning Away- Repentance
  1. Jesus’ s voice is in the quite
  1. Jesus knows you by name
He wants you to Encounter Him for YOU!!!! He knows YOU
Moses responds to God “Here I am”
  1. Respond with a YES Lord!
  “ Yes Lord” – It means,  whatever you want, the answer is Yes”
“Here I am”- It means to be fully available and ready to pay attention.
Ready for action
When we Encounter Jesus we know His faithfulness!!
Exodus 3:5-7
He is Faithful
Faithful is defined as- Steadfast, firm, stable, reliable, trustworthy, true to His word
He is faithful
2 Timothy 2:11-13
  • He is Faithful when we aren’t
  • He is faithful to complete and to do all that He has promises
  • Even if you don’t see it or feel it,  if He promised,  it will happen
God is faithful even if events don’t turn out the way we would like
He is a God of 2nd and 3rd and 4th chances!!!
Exodus 33:11  So the Lord spoke to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his friend.
  • Where has God placed you and what is he asking you to do?? Stay Faithful
  • Wherever the Lord has placed you at this moment…. stay faithful
  • Be faithful to the job, marriage, calling
An Encounter with Jesus will revive you, ignite you it will alway reveal His faithfulness
After a Encounter with God
An Encounter pushes us into the impossible so that God can use us!
Exodus 3:10-14
Encounters SEND US OUT!
  • Jesus always sends us out!
  • He stays with us and Gives us signs along the way to guide us
He will Empower us and will revive us to GO where he send us.
He is eternal and unchangeable
He is faithful and true to all his promises, unchangeable in his word as well as in his nature