Sermon Notes 8/11 – Psalm 34

1 Samuel 21:10-15 – David fakes being insane in front of his enemies
                       -Psalm 34 was written by David about this experience
Psalm 34
verse 1 – I WILL  – Praise is a decision and a choice
-it is not a feeling, but an intentional decision
-David had an I WILL MOMENT…
-This is a “NO MATTER WHAT” kind of praise
Bless – means to kneel down and worship
Lord – Jehovah – the covenant keeping God – He keeps His Word
verses 1-2 – continually praise the Lord – in and for all things
verse 2 -Praise is Public – refers to telling everyone about what Jesus has done
Verse 3 – Let’s all Praise The Lords together – everyone praise
                                        WHY SHOULD WE PRAISE THE LORD?
(1.) HE ANSWERS ALL OF OUR PRAYERS – Psalm 34:4-6,17
v6 – the poor man – shows our need for the Lord
v5 – radiant – our faces reveal that the Lord answers our prayers
Cry out to the Lord – keep crying out to the Lord – Mark 10:46-52 & Daniel 10:12
—The Lord answers prayer when we are living for Him continually  – vs13-18
REMEMBER: The deadliest silence is when God cannot hear us – Psalm 66:18-19
(2.) HE TAKES CARE OF US – Psalm 34:10-11a
-the Lord will never fail to take care of us and meet our needs
-will never lack any good thing – have a deficit/be in a hole/every need will be met
Psalm 23 – fill in the blank – I shall not want_____________…
Exodus 17:1-10 – the Lord supplies our every need and takes care of us
(3.) HE IS GOOD – Psalm 34:8
Good is also an action word where the Lord gets involved in our situation
The Lord is always good no matter what we are going through – it is His nature & essence