Sermon Notes 7/21 – What Is Your Subtitle?

The Culture guides what is needed not what is important
If we are not watchful, The Culture can shape you, Completely neglecting the Lord’s Will for your life. 
Subtitles: Provide a Written translation of a video’s dialogue. 
Your Subtitle: if someone was to describe your life ( Sum it up ) What would be written
1. We are not made to be like others
1 Samuel 8:4-5
“Now make us a king to judge us like all the nations.”
This bad idea of needing a king started with 1 person, then it spread to others.
It was not the Will of the Lord
We are built a certain way to do certain things
It starts as an Independent Idea
The independent idea spreads in culture amongst others seeking independence
All the while conforming to the rest of the dependent world  ( dependent on man )
Romans 12:2
How do we allow the Lord to renew our Mind?
  • Get our head out of others business ( Get off social medial and create your own life)
  • Tell the Lord today that you want to be a doer of what He has created you for, seek His face
  • Enjoy what The Lord has given you right now 
Decide you will not conform to this world.
Decide to be transformed.
Our Transformation is the Proof of Gods Perfect will in our life
If We are constantly conforming to the culture so we fit in
It creates a subtitle for us that is not what God intended
Ask yourself: Is this idea a God idea or a good idea, Where is my heart? 
1 Samuel 8:6-9
2. Be careful in what you are desperate for
If we are desperate enough, we will get it
This one bad idea went widespread and produced a desperate people
Gods plan was rejected
When we are in active disobedience, we are deceived into believing our way is better.
Disobedience is a rejection of God
Vs 7 “They have not rejected you but they have rejected me that I should not reign over them”
We may not set out to intentionally disobey God, this is why it is important to listen.
Dangerous is a disobedient impatient heart.
  • God did accomplish His will just took a little longer
  • God did accomplish His will with a lot more unnecessary death and destruction 

Proverbs 16:1-3

The Lords answer is always the right one
The Lord knows our motives
We need to: Examine our Heart and Commit everything we do unto the Lord.
The Solution
  • Go to the Lord every day for wisdom
  • Take time to ask yourself, Is this a decision that I want or what You want 
 Dont let emotions get in the way.
We Need to be Desperate for JESUS
3. Dont ignore the warning signs

1 Samuel 8:19-20

Dont be stubborn, listen to the Warning signs
  • Warnings can come as a check in your heart
  • When you spend time with the Lord
  • People that know you and Love you
  • A lack of peace 
 When you heed to the warning, some hard decisions will need to be made.
1 Samuel 15
We are fully responsible for our relationship to Jesus

Poverbs 29:25

Lets challenge ourselves to recreate our subtitle