1. The Location of Righteousness – Positional
2. Living a Life of Righteousness – Practical
Righteous – means to have a right standing with the Lord…to be right with God
-not based on performance, feelings, works and cannot be earned
-the Lord is pleased with you
                             HOW CAN WE LIVE A RIGHTEOUS LIFE?
4 ways and C’s — Jesus Connections…Bible Cuts…Believers Correct…Spirit Convicts
(1.) JESUS CONNECTIONS – 1 John 2:1
-Hang out with the Righteous One
-Jesus is our example to follow – 1 Peter 2:21-22
-Do not try – ABIDE – John 15
-Abiding is noticeable
(2.) THE BIBLE CUTS – Hebrews 4:12
-we change houses when we are saved – Mark 3:23-30
-the Bible cuts away unrighteousness…ungodly things in our lives…issues
Christianity is not a democracy, but a theocracy….the Lord & His Word are the bosses
(3.) BELIEVERS CORRECT – Exodus 18:1,7,13-24—Proverbs 27:17
-Most people do not like to be corrected
-Correction is helping and growing people….speaking into their lives righteous principles
-Jethro helped Moses with his leadership skills
(4.) THE HOLY SPIRIT CONVICTS  – 1 John 2:26-27 & John 16:13
-convict means to convince
-Conviction is the Holy Spirit talking to us – it is an awareness & sensitivity to the Holy Spirit speaking to us
1. Do not refuse the conviction of the Holy Spirit.  Cooperate with Him
2. We can refuse the conviction of the Holy Spirit, but we cannot refuse the consequences