Sermon Notes 6/20 – Mark

                                   Mark 5:21-24, 35-43
verse 21 – Jesus comes back to Jewish territory (Mark 5:1)
     Two Kinds of Crowds
   1. Hungry crowd – 5:21 – hungry for Jesus – Empty yourself so you can be filled
   2. A Resisting crowd – 5:17 – resist Christianity
verse 22 – Jairus – means Jehovah enlightens
-he was ruler of the synagogue – he selected people to teach & took care of things
-Jairus was desperate and needed Jesus
verse 23 – begged – means to plead – for the life of his daughter
delays –
1. The first delay was the crowd – vs25-34
2. The second delay was timing – vs35-36 – Jesus is always on time
—We have a promise – Galatians 6:9
v35 – The Lord can bring dead things to life……….
-Never lose your miracle mindset
v36 – Jesus did not pay attention to their conversation
***  Do not pay attention to fear and worry and depression
v36 – Only Believe – it means to keep on believiing
verse 37 – Only 3 people were allowed to follow Jesus
verse 38 -39 –  Jesus examines what is going on at the house of Jairus
———Jesus really saw the noise of unbelief and doubt
verse 40 – Guard our Reactions – they mocked and laughed at Jesus
         Jesus put them all outside – this was forceful pressure
He took – Jesus took control of this situation
verse 41 – Jesus took the child by the hand – it was a tight grip
vs42-43 – Jesus can do things immediately