Sermon Notes 5/23 – From Death to Life

Lazarus = whom God helps the Hebrew equivalent is Eleazar

Luke 10:38 Mary and Martha are introduced Mary sat at Jesus feet while Martha did chores

Bethany = was about 2 miles east of Jerusalem and means house of affliction or house of poverty

11:3 He whom You LOVE is sick

11:4 When Jesus heard that He said, This Sickness is not unto death but FOR THE GLORY OF GOD that the SON OF GOD may be GLORIFIED through it

God’s delays aren’t signs of failure. Mary and Martha sent for him and then waited

While you walk under God’s direction and you remain close to Jesus, the light of the world, your path will be clear

Jesus arrives in Bethany and Martha Runs out to meet Him

Now Martha said to Jesus, “Lord, if You had been here, my brother would not have died. But even now I know that whatever You ask of God, God will give You

I AM the resurrection and the life he who believes in Me though he may die he shall live.

When God introduced Himself to Moses He said “I AM”

I AM God from Genesis to Revelation

Dead 4 days no doubt Lazarus was not in a coma

Decay reverse yourself

Grave Let go

Death Give Him Up

Lazarus Come Forth!