Sermon Notes 5/19 – The Belt of Truth

Ephesians 6:10-18
The Belt Of Truth

Truth does exist – Truth is found In Jesus Christ and His Word – John 14:6 & 8:30-32

There are two streams flowing across the globe today:
1. The stream of truth and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit – Acts 2:1-21
——- the Lord is spitting on earth today
——- the Lord spit 3 times in the NT
——- spitting is associated with a curse
——- Jesus spit not on people but on the curse of sin, generational curses & sickness & disease

2. The stream of demonic deceit and delusion
-there is an assault on truth today

1 Timothy 4:1
Spirit – is the Holy Spirit
Expressly says – He, the Holy Spirit, speaks clearly
Latter Times – the last of the last days – the very last period of time
Depart – means to step away from…shrink back from
Faith – the core beliefs of the church and Bible
Giving heed – this is demonic influence

2 Thessalonians 2:1-12 (v11) – a spirit of delusion from the antichrist & his system

Definition of Delusion – it is a strong held belief despite evidence that the belief is completely false

How to Walk In Victory During Delusionary Times…
sound – healthy, wholesome doctrine in context

2. IT IS TIME FOR DISCIPLESHIP – Matthew 28:18-20
-discipleship is groth, learning and maturity

-You can be saved and still have a secular worldview

3. IT IS TIME TO TAKE A STAND – Ephesians 6:11, 13-14
-refuse to bend…no compromise…never be cancelled

John the Baptist – Matthew 11:7

4. IT IS TIME TO RESTRAIN – 2 Thessalonians 2:5-12
-it is time to pray

restrain – means to hold something back/push back
-prayer will help to hold back the enemy