Sermon Notes 3/13 – The Lake – Mark 6:45-56 – It’s Not Your Turn

Mark 6:48 – The wind was against the disciples
—this represents the trials of life that come against us
—this storm came out of nowhere
—this trial & storm was a long trial and storm
***The Lord is more interested in changing you than changing your circumstance…
***Are we there yet?  We want every trial to end quickly…
***WHEN IT IS NOT OUR TURN, WE MUST TRUST IN WHAT THE LORD HAS SAID – 2 Peter 1:4 and 2 Corinthians 1:20
-there are thousands of promises in the Bible
-What dominates us?  Our present problem or our future Promise
-Genesis 1:1-29 — vs3,6,9,11,14,20,24,26,28,29
-what God says trumps what anyone else says…
-We must stand on the Word of God
-We need to be rooted instead of running – don;t run – stay in place…
rooted – means to become stable/anchored in Jesus & His Word
built up – means to build upon – build up on our foundation
established – means to be strengthened/firm/unshakeable