Sermon Notes 2/2 – 1 John

                                   If We Say
                                1 John 1:6-10
verses 6, 8 & 10 use the phrase – IF WE SAY
               -this phrase refers to Professing Christians who claim and say they are Christians but are not Christians – Matthew 7:13-27
         Characteristics of Professing Christians
-lack of commitment to spiritual practices
-Inconsistent moral behavior
-Resistant to personal change
-lack of personal transformation
-criticize and do not follow Christian teachings
verse 6 – say and walk is continual
-walk continually in darkness which is sin, ungodliness and evil
-this is not referring to issues believers have in their lives.  This refers to people who say they are Christians, but continually  and always live in sin
deceive – refers to a planet getting out of their orbit which causes destruction and hurt to themselves and others
verse 7 – walk – means to continually practice Christianity
light – represents godliness, repentance and truth and holiness
     v5 – the Lord is light
     v7 – the Lord is in the light – He surrounds Himself in light
-all believers need to surround themselves in light
verses 6-7 tell us that NO BORN AGAIN BELIEVER CAN CONTINUALLY WALK OR LIVE IN SIN – 1 John 3:9-10a
                            How is this possible?
***The power of sin is broken
***The power of choice belongs to us
***Obedience rules as we read and obey the Bible
***We have the Holy Spirit to comfort and convict
-All believers will sin at times, but as we grow we will sin less and less and less
                           verse 7  – as we continually spend time with Jesus & walk in the                                                     Light 2 things will occur
     1. We will have fellowship with other born again believers
     2. The Blood of Jesus cleanses us from all of our sins
-verse 10 – we have all sinned – Romans 3:23
-verse 8 – we all have a sin nature that drives us to sin
-v9 – we do sin and have a sin nature in us, but we also receive forgiveness from Jesus if we sin and disobey His Word