Sermon Notes 10/20 – Follow His Lead

Follow His lead

1 Kings 16

What happened?

The Holy Spirit can speak through others but would rather speak to you Himself.

Stick to the mission… REACH THE UNREACHED!

Derailed plans don’t shock God.

1 Kings 16: 1-6

The Holy Spirit has the best strategy for your life.

The more you read the word the more you hear His voice.

Act 12:5-6

God gave us something special here at CCWC- don’t waste it.

You’re my tribe!

Luke 10:1-9

Jesus is the greatest evangelist!

Jesus gave us authority over demonic spirits because we WILL encounter them.

God is the Chief of all chiefs.

The Holy Spirit is a provider.

Luke 12:39

God is sending us as messengers to warn every tribe the enemy is planning a raid.

“The Holy Spirit will teach you in that very hour what you ought to say” Luke 12:12

Every move of the Holy Spirit leaves us changed.