Ultimate Soccer Details Start: January 9 - 06:30 pm End: March 13 - 08:25 pm Organizer Paxton Email: paxton@ccwc.org Venue Calvary Chapel Worship Center 6825 Trouble Creek RoadNew Port Richey, Fl, 34653 All 1st Thur 6th grade kids are invited to play for FREE Soccer SIGN UP TO PLAY ULTIMATE SOCCER
I’m interested in signing my 8 year old daughter, Della, up for soccer. Please email me with the information I need to do so. I greatly appreciate it. Thank you so much. Reply
Can children play if they dont attend that church.
My little brother is 8 I was wondering if he’s old enough to play
I’m interested in signing my 8 year old daughter, Della, up for soccer. Please email me with the information I need to do so. I greatly appreciate it. Thank you so much.
I want to know where to sign my grandson up for soccer. Thank you.your comment here…
Thank u for aportunity for my grandbaby