Ecuador Trip 2015

The time I was able to serve in Ecuador truly was a Gift from Jesus. Although it was only two weeks which, is a blink of an eye when you are out there. I was able to partake in the building and dedication of a church in a remote place in the jungle that can only be accessed via a two mile walk through mud, boat ride across a wide and rapid river channel, and finally traversing a steep incline that almost looks straight up. This meant hauling 500 pounds of steal that would make up the church, all that way by foot. It was only by the grace of God all the people involved including people from the village, were able to accomplish what the lord placed before us to do with no injuries. So what is significant about this new church built in the jungle? First, it is the only church in that small village and will also serve as a meeting point for surrounding villages. It also happens to be the only village on top of a giant mountain side that overlooks the surrounding villages it will serve. This New church will literally be the “City on a hill.” Its mission is to be a light among the surrounding villages and a place where they can worship corporately the true and living savior Jesus Christ. Being apart of this trip has reaffirmed the understanding that all the time, money, and discomforts associated with short or long term mission trips pales in comparison to the crown of glory we will receive for just being known by God.