CCWC School of Ministry



-The CCWC School of Ministry – a Campus of Life Christian University will begin classes on Sunday April 3, 2016 and Monday April 4, 2016…

Sunday April 3 – the LCU Advanced Ministry Training Classes during third service – Room 111 in the Ministry Center with maximum room for 30 students.  A different class each month at a cost of $30 per class.  These are classes to introduce a person to LCU and credits are received…

Monday April 4 – the LCU Theology classes in room 111 in the Ministry Center from 6:30-9:30pm.  A different class every month at the cost of $140 per class.

-complete online classes are available

-awesome teachers and Pastors to teach every class

-bachelor of theology, masters and doctorate degrees are available

SIGN UP for classes the entire month of March at CCWC during services, call the church at 727-376-7733 for more information or e-mail the CCWC School of Ministry at CCWCLCU@CCWC.ORG…

Our new School of Ministry is for those individuals who desire to grow and become disciples and for those who are called to ministry……..

Be Excited And Sign Up Now…….