Category: Sermons

Sermon Notes 4/25 – Mark 2:1-12 – Faith

-We need a breakthrough in our homes, personal lives, community and nation… -Breakthrough – means to smash an obstacle so progress can be made -To receive a national breakthrough, Mark gives us 5 Principles to Practice: 1. We need Jesus and His presence 2. The Word of God must be preached 3. Evangelism must happen […]

April 25, 2024

Sermon Notes 4/21 – Cosmic Conflict

                                       The Invisible World                                         Ephesians 6;10-20 ***Paul is under house arrest and chained to Roman guards 24/7/365 […]

April 21, 2024

Sermon Notes 4/18 – Mark 2

MARK                                      Chapter Two verse 4 – when they had broken through                     Breakthrough means:        to smash and obstacle to make progress        to […]

April 18, 2024

Sermon Notes 4/14 – Cosmic Conflict

                                   The Invisible World Paul is under house arrest when writing Ephesians Paul is chained to Roman guards 24-7-365 Paul sees the armor of God every day & relates it to the believer verse 10 – Finally – it […]

April 14, 2024

Sermon Notes 4/11 – Mark 2:1-12

Mark gives 5 principles for the body of Christ to practice to produce a breakthrough in our nation……. 1. Jesus and His presence must be in the house – v1 2. The Word of God – v2 3. Evangelism -v3 Breakthrough – means to smash an obstacle/to penetrate the enemies territory Who will give us […]

April 11, 2024

Sermon Notes 4/7 – Cosmic Conflict

  The Invisible World                                           Ephesians 6:10-20 There is an Invisible world – Ephesians 6:12/Col 1:15-17/1 Timothy 1:17 -it is not visible to the physical eye           3 Points To Remember   […]

April 7, 2024

Sermon Notes 4/4 – Mark

MARK 2:1-12 Mark 12 refers to the body of Christ today in America                 -the church is paralyzed by a spirit of lukewarmness                 -the church must practice 5 principles given by Mark to see renewal Breakthrough – Mark 2:3 – […]

April 4, 2024

Sermon Notes 3/31 – Resurrection Sunday – He Is Risen

THE POWER OF GOD                             The Power Of The Resurrection                                             Energeia Romans 8:11 – Holy Spirit Supernatural Energy & power raised Jesus from […]

March 31, 2024

Sermon Notes 3/28 – It’s Time for a Breakthrough

Breakthrough – Mark 2:3 -to smash an obstacle to make progress -to penetrate the enemies territory -to remove anything that restricts flow Principle #1 – We need Jesus & His presence in the house Principle #2 – We need the Word of God Principle #3 – We need evangelism verse 3 – 4 Men – 4 […]

March 28, 2024

Sermon Notes 3/24 – The Power of God

John 18 ISCHUS – – – means STRENGTH – SUPERNATURAL STRENGTH John 18:1-2 – The Garden of Gethsemane – means oil press & is a place of pressure          a. everyone will enter into times of pressure – John 18:2 – often          b. there are all kinds of pressure […]

March 24, 2024

Sermon Notes 3/21 – Mark 2 – It’s Time for a Breakthrough

MARK 2                            It’s Time For A Breakthrough Breakthrough – it speaks of progress, momentum, warfare and winning…tearing down walls……advancing and overcoming the enemy Mark 2:1-2 – refers to a paralytic who is saved and healed          ***Mark 2 – […]

March 21, 2024

Sermon Notes 3/17 – The Power of God

The 5 Powers of God 1.Dunamis 2. Exousia 3. Energeia 4. Ischus 5. Kratos Kratos Power – this is dominion power and expansion power for everywhere.  We see this in Luke 4 1. THE POWER OF GOD IS NOT LIMITED TO A PARTICULAR PLACE OR TIME – Luke 4 -Luke 4:16-21,44 – Kratos power is […]

March 17, 2024