Sermon Notes 12/26 – The Road To Emmaus

“The Road To Emmaus”
Scripture reference is Luke 24:32

24:13 Now behold TWO of them were traveling that SAME DAY to a village called Emmaus which was seven miles from Jerusalem.

Same day as the resurrection of the Lord Jesus

They were headed in the WRONG DIRECTION Jerusalem is where they needed to be

24:16 But their EYES WERE RESTRAINED so they did not know Him

24:15 So it was while they conversed and reasoned that Jesus Himself drew near and went with them

They referred to Jesus in the past tense. Jesus is not a WAS He’s a NOW

More than a prophet He is God’s Son and the Messiah The King of Kings Lord of Lords and Prince of Peace

We know that they did NOT GET IT because of the Lord’s response

27 And beginning at Moses and all the prophets He EXPOUNDED to them in all the scriptures the things concerning Himself

Using the bread Jesus demonstrated the plan of salvation that He EXPOUNDED from the Scripture

Restrained Eyes became Opened Eyes unbelief became belief lack of understanding became understanding doubt became faith the ashes of defeat became a Blazing Fire of Victory