Sermon Notes 11/21 – Mark 8
v13 – we will make it through all troubles and make it to the other side
vs14-15 – charged or warn – this is a continual warning
***Jesus used food to teach the disciples about leaven
Jesus said to do 2 Things:
1. v15 – TAKE HEED – have discernment/think through things/have common sense
2. v15 – BEWARE – means to watch out/keep your spiritual eyes open
leaven – represents an evil influence/sin/corruption & evil
The leaven of the Pharisees & Herod – was false doctrine/pride/corruption and unbelief
The leaven of the Sadducees – Acts 23:8 – is the denial of the supernatural power of God which includes the resurrection of the dead
Mark 8:22-26 – The Healing of a Blind Man
v22 – even during conflict, keep moving forward
-when there is conflict: Keep moving forward/Keep grinding/Keep Fellowshipping
*They brought a blind man to Jesus – keep bringing the unsaved to Jesus
-Blindness represents a physcial ailment and a spiritual ailment
-This was Power Evangelism
-The blind mans healing was a process. It happened over time
v26 – Jesus said not to go back to the village because of their unbelief
Mark 8:27-30 – Jesus is the Christ
verse 27 – Jesus asked – it means Jesus kept on asking
**2 Questions:
1.) Who do people say that I am? vs27-28
2. Who do you say that I am
Christ – this is saying that Jesus Christ is God
***We must contend for the faith – Jude 3
common salvation – this means Christianity is for everyone
faith – not personal faith, but the Christian faith and its doctrines
contend earnestly – this is fighting and standing strong against the enemies of Christianity
once for all – the Bible will never be added to or changed
verse 30 – do not share this as it could created a political uprising
Mark 8:31-33 – Jesus Predicts His Death And Resurrection
v31 – Son of Man – emphasizes the humanity of Jesus
must – it is necessary
John 4:1-5
suffer – means to feel pain
-jesus came to heal pain in people – Luke 4″16-21
vs31-32 – Jesus teaches the disciples the gospel
v32 – Peter rebukes Jesus – it means to criticize;reprimand sternly;disapprove
-Peter was trying to stop the plan of God from happening
v33 – Jesus turns 180 degrees to come against Peters statement
The issue was not Peter, but satan
satan – means opposition…an adversary
-we can learn to never make the battle personal