Sermon Notes 6/16 – Father’s Day Services

First and Third service Pastor Jeff

John 15:9-13
Abide: means to stay, dwell or remain in
1. We are called to Dwell in Love
Jesus said Just as much as the Father Loves Him, He loves us
  • No Human Love can fulfill this
We know that Jesus loved His disciples by:
  • teaching them
  • protecting them
  • guiding them
  • sacrificially serving them,
  • using His power and authority to do these things
#Goals: Do as Jesus Did
Gods Promise: It is when a man keeps Christ’s commandments that he abides in Christ’s love.
The Devil loves to Isolate, make you feel rejected and embarrassed, to leave you feeling unloved and unappreciated.
Another Promise……. You will receive a Joy that not only will Fill you but will not leave you
John 15:16-7
Scripture Breakdown
  1. You all have been called
  2. Gods will is for us to bear fruit
  3. Our fruit should not die with us but remain from generation to generation
  4. If we seek Gods will for our life, He will give it to us, anything we ask for
  5. Everything Should be done in love
 When you Dwell in Christs love, you are able to Love others
2. We are called to consistently dwell in Jesus
How can we keep His commands?
John 15:1-8
Jesus is the true Vine, we are the branches
The vine and the branch need to be in Constant connection with each-other.
We need to be Fully dependent on the Lord
When you are obedient to the Lord you are connected to the Vine
You best not disconnect, even for a short time!!!
You are consistent in your walk with the Lord ( You dwell in it)
Takes away is more accurately translated lifts up.
The Father lifts up unproductive vines off of the ground
There is a Mutual relationship, not one sided
Vs 4 Abide in Me, and I in you
To abide is a Choice
Jesus said Vs 4 “A branch Can not bear fruit by itself”
Despite what the world says You cant be independent
The devil has a World alternative to every fruit
3. We are to Dwell in Glory
John 15:7-8
How do we Abide in His words? How do we know His words?
We read the Word.
“Asking what we desire and it Will be done” only works when its His desire made through us.
Translation: When we read the Word of God and we understand the wisdom and promises of God it is then we ask for the things according to the Word and It will be done.
The Purpose to fruit Growing is to bring Glory to God
Fruit/Glory takes time….. This all depends on how much dwelling you do.
Ephesians 3:14-20
He promises us Strength ( inner strength)
He promises true Love ( one that humans can not understand)
He promises that we will be filled up ( when we seek Him)
He will give you exceeding and more abundant things that you can ever imagine
Through it , He will receive all the Glory 
Second service Pastor Tony 
1. Get right with your Dad (earthly father)
You cannot project what you have learned from your earthly father upon your heavenly father
No matter what has happened to you either good or bad at some point your life became your responsibility
Don’t be exactly like him and don’t go out of your way to be the exact opposite of him. Be exactly who God created you to be
The principle of honor and forgiveness are very similar
2. Be The Right Dad
Be an example of Jesus in your home.  Work on your issues
Don’t do as I do, do as I say, is not a policy that works
3. Get Right With Your Heavenly Father
Paul was a Roman citizen writing to the church in Rome where adoption was practiced because heirs were hard to come by
You are not a fearful slave UNDER THE OLD TESTAMENT LAW
You are adopted into His family You are a son or daughter of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords Jesus Christ