The reality of #MomStatus

The reality of #MomStatus
I’m talking about getting up in the morning, rinsing your face with water, looking in the mirror to check for new wrinkles, taking a deep breath, brushing your teeth (if there is time), yelling for those teenagers to wake up before they are late AGAIN for school, and wandering into the kitchen to pour cereal into bowls, rinsing last night’s dinner dishes, packing lunches, and waiting impatiently for your coffee to brew.
There isn’t much glamor to this life. But it’s who we are. Our minutes quickly turn to hours, then weeks, then years. A life of chores, work, soccer practices, and errands sometimes can take up more hours than we have in a day……. but we wouldn’t change any of it for the world. It is so worth it.
But if we are honest, somehow in this social media world of things to do, and places to go, appointments to make, and chores to finish, the beauty of just “being a mother” is completely lost.
But it doesn’t have to be that way. Let’s make a vow together, as the moms of today, to change the way we look at life with our kids- before they grow up! Let’s change the status quo. Instead of being the mom on our phone playing Candy Crush- let’s go out in the yard and kick the ball around with our son. Instead of spending every evening after work doing the cleaning, cooking, and running errands- let’s have one night where we order Pizza and play a game with the kids. Let’s vow to ask our kid’s questions and truly listen to their answers. Let’s laugh more and notice the little things. Let’s have date night’s to the ice-cream shop and make the kid’s leave their phones at home.
Let us not get so caught up in the “work” of our lives that we forget that just simply being a “Mom” is enough. You are enough! Being a mother is a high calling. God chose you out of everyone else in the world to be a mom. He has entrusted you to raise up those babies, children, and teenagers to fulfill their God-given Destiny. Us moms don’t need the glamor. Those precious smiles every night before bed are fulfilling enough.
To all the Mothers out there, please know this Mother’s Day that you are a treasure to Jesus!
In honor of all Mom’s, we are having a Mother’s Day Tea Party on Saturday, May 13th at 11am-2pm at the Spartan Manor. This is a time for you and your daughter to make some memories.
Buy your Tickets today!
This Sunday, May 14 is our Special Mothers Day services here at Calvary Chapel Worship Center. There will be Special Speakers, Mothers Day Pictures, Guest Artist Shalyah Fearing, and a Chocolate Fountain.
We want to celebrate this special day with you!
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