Sermon Notes 9/22 – The Mighty Works of God

Matthew 8:1-7
Mark 6:1-6
1. The Greatest Healing Is Salvation – Matthew 8:1-7
-The Problem – the sin nature which is in every human being
-John 1:29-34 – Jesus takes away the SIN of the world
-There is sin (the sin nature is broken at salvation) and sins (symptoms of Sin)
-Examples of the Lord using the supernatural to get people saved
    ***(Matt 9:1-8, 27-31 & 18-26/Matthew 8:1-7)
-Examples of the Lord using His mighty works to save a person and many others
     ***(Acts 3 and 4:4/Acts 5:14-16/Acts 9:32-35 – 2 cities turn to the Lord)
Matthew 12:38-40 – the sign of the prophet Jonah
-never seek a sign – signs and wonders follow believers
-the only sign Jesus will gibe is the gospel – His death, burial and resurrection –  First Corinthians  15:1-3
-The Lord heals today – Mal 3:6 & Hebrews 13:8
Cessation – means to be brought to an end/
-some believers believe some things have ended in the Bible – speaking in tongues and miracles are two examples
-since the mighty acts of God are for today, they should be happening all of the time -Luke 9:1-6
RESIST ALL MIND GAMES – 2 Corinthians 10:4-5
-resist all mind games from the enemy and flesh about the Mighty Works of God in general
-resist all of the mind games of the enemy and flesh that are personal
-talk back to the enemy and flesh……..
       ***The nothing has changed – things are the same scenario…
       ***Do not be a same believer
       ***Receive the LIFE GIVING TOUCH of Jesus every day
Remember: around 40 times in the gospels people wanted healing and Jesus never said no one time
                  : We have promises in the Bible and the Lord says yes to His promises – 2 Corinthians 1:20…Deuteronomy 7:12-16 (v15)…Psalm 89:34-35