Sermon Notes 8/8 – Mark

                                     Mark Chapter 6

Two amazements in Mark 6:
1. The amazement of people – vs1-4
astonished – the teaching and miracles hit the people so forcibly that they were
                     astonished to the point of losing control of themselves
-the teaching, wisdom and miracles of Jesus Christ astonished the people
2. The amazement of Jesus – vs5-6
-Jesus was amazed at the peoples’ lack of faith…unbelief
-Jesus was amazed that Israel missed their day of visitation
-LUKE 19:41-44 – Jesus is visiting earth right now again
             a. A Visitation of the Miraculous – Luke 7:11-17
v11 – Nain – means lovely…delightful
v12 – Jesus interrupts a funeral procession
-the crowd knew Jesus was present because of the miracle that took place
-all churches need to have a MIRACLE MINDSET
             b. A Visitation of Redemption – Luke 1:68-75
-it is harvest time
-this is what Christianity is all about
-The Great Commission
verse 7 – A Priority Shift takes place
-this is where our focus shifts from inreach to outreach
-Send them Out
verses 12-13 – They preached the Word – a town crier giving the kings news with some emotion – 1 Peter 2:9
                      -they cast out demons and heal the sick because of Jesus Christ
verse 14 – The NAME of Jesus became well known….
Acts 4:14 – Redemption through the name of Jesus
Acts 3:1-10 – Healing in the name of Jesus
Acts 16:14-18 – demons resisted and cast out in the name of Jesus
(1.) the name of Jesus declares that He is God – Matthew 16:18
-Deity – means Jesus Christ is God
-The Incarnation – God came to earth in the form of man – Jesus Christ
-Kenosis – means to empty yourself
-anyone denying the deity of Jesus is a false teacher – 1 John 2:22-23
-there is another Jesus – 2 Cor 11:3-4, 13-15
-do not take His name in vain – means to misuse His name/devalue/irreverent
(2.) THE NAME OF JESUS IS ABOVE ALL NAMES – Philippians 2:5-11
v9 – highly exalted – means to be elevated to the highest point
-the name of Jesus is above everyone and everything
-every knee will bow:  on earth, in heaven and in hell
Lord – means sir; one in control – we must submit to the will of another person who is Jesus Chrst
-the word Messiah comes from the name Christ……..
-the signs of the times reveal that Jesus is coming back soon