Sermon Notes 8/25 – A Sacrifice of Praise

HEBREWS 13:12-15

                                  A Sacrifice of Praise
v13 – Focus  – Psalm 34:3
-Focus is magnification & being laser focused
-Magnify the Lord and He becomes bigger & the problem becomes smaller
By Him – this is Jesus Christ – By Him, Through Him or Because of Him
Because of the Lord & what He has done, we can give a sacrifice of praise to Jesus…
***What did Jesus do for us?
1.) vs12-13 – JESUS REDEEMED US
-v12 – by His blood we are saved – only by Jesus
-Jesus was persecuted and we will be persecuted also – bear His reproach
2. v14 – JESUS GIVES US A WAY WE CAN GO TO HEAVEN – Revelation 21:16-17
2 Peter 3:8-9 – the Lord wishes no one to perish
-we can continually give the Lord a sacrifice of praise because of what He has done for us
***A SACRIFICE OF PRAISE – sacrifice means to kill or slaughter for a purpose
-so we can praise the Lord as we kill some things or slaughter some things
     1.) To offer a sacrifice of praise to the Lord we must kill our feelings – Romans 8:14
-our feelings will fail us @ times
-the word emotion means to move away
***Kill our feelings and Be a Rainmaker – Zechariah 14:17
-No Worship – No Rain………..Worship – Rain Will Come
     2. We must kill our self image and reputation – Phil 2:5-11/2 Sam 6:12-23
What is our self image & reputation?  It is what people think about us
-break the addiction of approval
-we have no image to protect
***The sacrifice of praise prepares us for heaven –
Rev 4:8-11 & 5:8-14 – Praise is vocal, there are instruments, is loud & continual