Sermon Notes 7/7- NOT ASHAMED ROMANS 1:16-17

Caesar the ruler of the known world was worshiped in Rome not Jesus the carpenter
After an insurrection in 135 as a punishment Rome renamed Judea, Palestinian Syria which we now know as Palestine
The cross was the way Romans executed common thieves and criminals
Paul was personally humiliated time after time because of the Gospel
Paul was ready to preach in Rome and was not ashamed
There will be intellectual pressure to retreat from Jesus
There will always be religious pressure to substitute a generic religious figure for a relationship with the true Messiah
 There will always be religious pressure to substitute a ritual for a move of God
There will be political pressure = being P C politically correct is certainly spiritually incorrect
With in the gospel is the POWER (dumamis) of God to save heal provide and change
SALVATION = deliverance from the penalty of sin which is death
Your FAITH is the ingredient that activates the power of God