Sermon Notes 6/27 – Mark Chapters 5 & 6

Mark 5:21 & 5:17 – there were two crowds – a resisting and hungry crowd
         —Jairus was a part of the hungry crowd
         —Jairus’ name means Jehovah Enlightens
                       a. He was the ruler of the synagogue & falls @ the feet of Jesus
v23 – Jairus pleads and begs Jesus to heal his daughter
v24 – Delays Occurred
1. the crowd
2. the woman with a health issue
Timing – the Lord is always on time
REMEMBER: Gods’ Delays Are Not His Denials
—A promise for delays – Galatians 6:9
verse 35 – Two Points to Note:
1. You are never bothering the Lord – Matt 7:7-8/Heb 4:16/Eph 3:12
2. Jesus can bring dead things to life
verse 36 – there are some statements you do not have to pay attention to just like Jesus
ONLY BELIEVE – speaks about continuing to believe
verse 37 – Only 3 people were allowed to follow Jesus – surround yourself with faith people
v38 – Jesus is evaluating the situation at the house of Jairus
–these were probably hired professional mourners and were very noisy
vs39-43 – Jesus reminded them that this girl would be fine
-the reaction of the people toward Jesus was a mocking spirit
-Jesus puts the mockers outside of the house which represents Him throwing out unbelief and doubt
-Jesus took – this means that Jesus took charge of the situation
-Jesus raises up the child with a strong grip and brings life to her – v41
                            MARK 6
verse 1 – Jesus goes to Nazareth – His hometown
         There are 2 Amazements :
     1. The Amazement of people – vs1-4 – amazed at the works of Jesus
     2. The Amazement of Jesus – vs5-6 – amazed at the unbelief of people
-unbelief – is an absence of faith/skeptical/obstinate/a hard heart – James 1:1-8
-this was the second chance for Nazareth to receive Jesus and believe in Him – Luke 4:1-30…
-Jesus could not do one miracle or mighty work in Nazareth because of unbelief
-Jesus wants to do great works, but unbelief stops miracles from occurring
v6 – Jesus then leaves and goes some place else
v7 – Jesus sends people out 2X2 & gave them authority
-Jesus has commanded the church today to GO – Matthew 28:18-20
vs8-9 what to take and not take on this missions trip
vs10-11 – whoever does not listen to the gospel message shake the dust off of your feet which was a sign of God’s judgement would be on that city or house