Sermon Notes 3/19 – Zechariah

Verse 1 – Zechariah receive his next vision
-scroll – is a roll of parchment or paper
-flying – is a continuous action of floating like a banner for all to see
-The flying scroll represents the Word of God
         John 2:13-22 – the size of the scroll was the same same size as the
                                    porch of Solomon’s Temple where the Word was shared
Points About The Word Of God
1. The word of God came from God to Zechariah – verse 1
-the Word is God breathed – 2 Peter 1:20-21
-it is absolute truth
2. The Flying Scroll was large.  This represents two things:
         a. it is large because the Word is for everyone
-it is flying all over the place
         b. being large reveals the Bibles importance
3. We need both sides of the Word of God – verse 3
-we need all of the Word
-the Word is for today
4. The Word deals with all issues – vs3-4
-the Lord will deal with 2 certain issues
              1. Stealing – Exodus 20:15
              2. Purjury – Swearing falsely
-this is giving false and misleading information
                               ZECHARIAH 5:5-11 – THE SEVENTH VISION
                            THE VISION OF THE WOMAN IN THE BASKET
verse 5 – an angel (messenger) gives Zechariah a command to lift up his eyes
verse 6 a basket is seen – a measuring device
-it is a large basket that can carry up to 9 gallons of grain
-the basket spreads sin and filth out on the world
vs7-8 – the basket has a lead cover on it – it presses the world and sin down
-the woman sits in the basket – dont be comfortable with your sin
-the led represents the church being the last days resisting force – 2Thess 2:1-12
2 Thess 2:6 – restraining speaks of holding something back
Zech 5:9 – the wind has gotten stronger
-2 women come in this wind – had wings like a stork
-a stork is an unclean animal
-a new wave of sin and wickedness arrives  – it shows the rapture has taken place
Shinar – is Babylon which today is the Iraqi area and the middle East – and our
eyes need to be kept on the Middle East and Israel