Sermon Notes 3/13 – Zechariah

Zechariah 3:8
Companions – this refers to the priests and to believers today – 1 Peter 2:9
-every believer is a minister

-wondrous sign – it symbolizes to be looked upon – people are watching us

verses 8b-9 – Behold – means to look @ something
-bring forth – this is the first and second coming of Jesus Christ

3 Names Given To Jesus

1. MY SERVANT – Phil 2:5-11 – kenosis – means to empty oneself – Mark 10:35-45
-every believer is called to be a servant

2. THE BRANCH – it means to shoot forth

3. THE STONE – represents something solid, rock and stable
a. is singular because there is one stone – Jesu sis the only Savior

b. Keep your eyes on the stone – I laid it before Joshua

c. You can throw stones – witness and share your faith

d. 7 eyes – refers to the 7 attributes of the Holy Spirit

d. the stone can be cut – engraved – refers to the cross & we are forgiven
— all of Israel will be saved in one day – v9

verse 10 – In that day – the day the Lord returns and sets up His millennial kingdom
the vine and fig tree – speaks of prosperity, fullness of joy, peace and provision
-the Lord blesses us so we can bless others

The Lampstand and the Two Olive Trees
Verse 1 – stir yourself up – 2 Timothy 1:6 – keep a full flame going – Abide
-everything in our Christian life can wear out

verse 2 – the lampstand is Jesus Christ
1. it had 7 lamps that were lit up – it represents Jesus is the light of the World
2. gold in color – represents Jesus Christ is God
3. there is a bowl of fresh oil over each pipe or oil recepticle – oil is poured in and
lit by a priest

-as we spend time with Jesus (abide), we receive fresh oil for a fresh touch

Two Olive Trees – vs3-5, 11-14
-the two olive trees are Joshua – the spiritual part of Christianity and Zerubbabel which represents the government side of things – Prov 11:10-11…28:12 & 29:2

-v14 – anointed ones means sons of oil

verse 6 – we cannot rely on people – we need the Spirit of God
Might – means physical strength/ability and power
Power – means to be firm and vigorous

verse 7 – Mountains – the Holy Spirit will move your mountain

How to remove mountains?

1. Make right choices
-it is easy for us to make our own mountain

2. Mountains must be climbed

3. Understand the Lord can do anything – v7
-by His grace

4. Speak to that mountain – Mark 11:22-24