Living Water Project

In Kenya, Africa over 20 million people do not have clean water to drink from.
Women and children walk over 6 miles a day, often several times a day, to fetch water from the closest river banks. Diseases, parasites, and sickness causing bacteria has always been a huge health problem in Kenya. The rate of exposure is extremely high because the water is not only contaminated at the basins and pumps where water is collected but the containers are almost always “found,” second-hand objects, often previously used for oil, fertilizer or wastes.
This year we have partnered with Casa Do Oleiro registering a children’s home in Awaata, Kenya. This home will be for children that have been rescued out of abused, neglected, abandoned, or orphaned situations. This February, the vision is to dig a well to provide clean water for this home and the surrounding community. You to can be a part of this water project, to provide clean water they can drink, and leading them to the living water found through Jesus Christ so that they never go thirsty again.
To partner with our “Living Water Project” please follow the link and use the drop down box to giving type “Missions Donation“. In the memo section you will type, “Water Project”. Thank you for your continued prayers and partnership as we reach the world for Jesus.