CCWC Worship Arts Ministry

Here at CCWC the Lord has blessed us abundantly with the ability to fill our ministries with people who have all sorts of talents. From preaching and evangelism to childcare, and carpentry, there is a place for everyone to serve and to be a part of the body of Christ.
The Worship Arts department at CCWC is no exception. We are always looking for vocalists, choir members, musicians, dancers, artists, set designers, and actors to be a part of our ministry.
Our worship ministry is unique in the fact that we do not have one primary worship leader or one primary band. And while it may not be the easiest way to do this whole worship thing, it is worth the effort.
We are a team of blessed and talented musicians and artists who come together with an important purpose: to praise and worship the name of Jesus and to lead our congregation to do the same. By using more people and rotating singers and instrumentalists, we open doors for new people to join and for the Holy Spirit to minister to all the different and unique parts of the body. No one person or team or group is glorified. The Lord is glorified!
We thank Jesus for the ability to do what we do and praise Him for the blessing of this ministry not only in the lives of those in the congregation but in our lives as well.
There are so many upcoming events and opportunities for you to get plugged into our Worship Arty Ministry. No matter what age you are you can join the team! From the worship choir to dance classes, our upcoming Christmas Production and our tech team there is a place for you!
We also are very excited about our new CCWC Children’s Choir that is kicking off September 7 at 6pm in the Worship Arts room. This new, free ministry will meet for 8 weeks and will teach kids how to sing together and praise the name of Jesus. We are looking for elementary aged kids, 1st-5th grade. Please send an email to for more info!
Our next upcoming event is our Christmas Production Kick Off Sunday, September 10 at 2pm. We are calling all singers, dancers, actors, crew, technical people, and all creatives! Please join us as we kick off this year’s Christmas Production!
Also, The Forte School is open and ready for an awesome new school year. We have classes in dance, music, art, musical theater and more. For more information on classes email
If the Lord has blessed you with a talent in any of these areas, we want you to be a part of our team! Please send an email to telling us what your talent is and we will be in touch with you to give you more information or to schedule a time to meet.
I’m inquiring about piano lessons for my 6 and 10 year old.