CCWC Summer Blast 2018

There has only been two days of Summer Blast at Calvary Chapel Worship Center and it has already been an amazing time! CCWC is a full gospel, spirit- filled church in New Port Richey, Florida. They have a top notch kids ministry and hosts Summer Blast every single year, not only as a Vacation Bible School, but also as another outreach to the community. With a low cost of $10 for the entire week children from all over the surrounding counties come and partake in the high quality event. We have already seen hundreds of kids (K-8th grade) not only have a ton of fun but also surrender their lives to Jesus Christ!
Summer Blast is truly here to make a difference! If you’re looking for a VBS to get your kids signed up with this summer then wait no longer. With security workers, background check cleared volunteers, a ton of fun and Jesus being preached everyday, I’d say it’s a winner! We have two days left with a “Family Night” on Thursday where the family can enjoy the kids perform live and an ice cream social!
Here is the link to get registered: